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Report of Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning of China’s Iron and Steel Industry(2022-2027)

Report of Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning of China’s Iron and Steel Industry(2022-2027)

Report of Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning of China’s Iron and Steel Industry(2022-2027)

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  • Table of Contents

  • Content Summary

Report of Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning of China’s Iron and Steel Industry(2022-2027)

Chapter 1: Overview of the Development of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.1 Classification and Definition of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.2 Policy Environment of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.3 Economic Environment of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.4 Societal Environment of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.5 Technological Environment of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.6 Industrial Chain of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

1.6.1 Development Status of Global Iron and Steel Industry

1.7 Development Profile of Global Iron and Steel Industry

1.8 Development Status of Global Iron and Steel Industry

1.9 Trade of Global Iron and Steel Industry

1.10 Competition Pattern of Global Iron and Steel Industry

Chapter 2: Development Status of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

2.1 Development Profile of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

2.2 Current Situation of Supply and Demand of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

2.3 Import and Export of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

Chapter 3: Competition of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

3.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

3.2 Competition Pattern of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

3.3 Comparison of Competitive Benchmarking Metrics of China’s Iron and Steel Enterprises

Chapter 4: Product Markets of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

4.1 Major Product Markets of Iron and Steel Industry

4.2 Major Steel Product Markets

4.3 Special Steel Markets

Chapter 5: Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in China’s Iron and Steel Industry

5.1 Steel Demand in Downstream Iron and Steel Industry

5.2 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Real Estate Industry

5.3 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand for Infrastructure Construction

5.4 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Machine Industry

5.5 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Construction Machinery Industry

5.6 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Automotive Industry

5.7 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Home Appliance Industry

5.8 Current Situation and Prospects of Steel Demand in Shipbuilding Industry

Chapter 6: Regional Horizontal Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

6.1 Driving Forces for Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

6.2 Integrated Modes of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

6.3 Obstacles and Planning for Regional Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

6.4 Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry in Key Regions

Chapter 7: Vertical Integration and Extension of China’s Iron and Steel Industrial Chain

7.1 Vertical Extension of China’s Iron and Steel Industrial Chain

7.2 Upstream Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

7.3 Downstream Integration of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

7.4 Supply Chain Management of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

Chapter 8: Case Study on Enterprises in China’s Iron and Steel Industry

8.1 Development Profile of Enterprises in China’s Iron and Steel Industry

8.2 Leading Enterprises in China’s Iron and Steel Industry

Chapter 9: Development Trend and Suggestions for China’s Iron and Steel Industry

9.1 Development Trend and Prospects of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

9.2 Suggestions for the Development of China’s Iron and Steel Industry

9.3 Suggestions for China’s Non-Steel Industry

Table of Charts

Chart 1: Classification of Major Products in Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 2: Classification of Iron and Steel Industry in the “Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities”

Chart 3: Research Methods and Data Sources of this Report

Chart 4: Competent Authorities of Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 5: Relevant Policies of Iron and Steel Industry In Recent Years

Chart 6: Related Import and Export Policies of Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 7: Specific Objectives of the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” for Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 8: Key Tasks of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 9: US GDP Change Trend (2014-2021) (Unit: USD Trillion,%)

Chart 10: GDP Changes in Eurozone (2014-2021) (Unit: Euro Trillion,%)

Chart 11: GDP Changes in Japan (2014-2021) (Unit: JPY Trillion,%)

Chart 12: Economic Forecast of Some Countries/Regions Around the World (2014-2021) (Unit:%)

Chart 13: China's GDP Growth Trend (2014-2022) (Unit: RMB Trillion,%)

Chart 14: China's Industrial Added Value and Growth Trend (2014-2021) (Unit: RMB Trillion,%)

Chart 15: Changes in National Fixed Asset Investment (Excluding Rural Household) (2014-2021) (Unit: RMB Trillion)

Chart 16: Proportion of Investment in Three Industries in Fixed Asset Investment (Excluding Rural Household) in 2020 (Unit:%)

Chart 17: Major Expected Goals of China's Development by 2022

Chart 18: Analysis of Wastewater Discharge of Member Enterprises in China Iron and Steel Association from January to April, 2022 (Unit:%)

Chart 19: Development Stages of Exhaust Emissions in China's Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 20: Solid Waste Recycling of China's Iron and Steel Industry by 2020(Unit:Ten Thousand Tons,%)

Chart 21: Changes in Total Energy Consumption of China’s Iron and Steel Industry (2011-2021) (Unit: 100 Million Tons of Standard Coal)

Chart 22: Threats to China's Trade

Chart 23: Chinese Enterprises' Countermeasures Against Anti-Dumping

Chart 24: Trade Opportunities for China's Iron and Steel Industry

Chart 25: Changes in Number of Patent Applications and Disclosures in China’s Iron and Steel Industry (2010-2022) (Unit: Item)

Chart 26: Top 10 Patent Application Types in China’s Iron and Steel Industry by 2021(Unit: Item)

Chart 27: Top 10 Patent Applicants in China’s Iron and Steel Industry by 2021(Unit: Item)

Chart 28: Breakthroughs of Key Technical Equipment for New Generation of Recyclable Iron and Steel Production Process

Chart 29: Development Characteristics of Small-and- Medium Sized Steel Rolling Technical Equipment

Chart 30: Role of Informatization and Automation Technology in China Steel Rolling Industry

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