China Culture Industry Prospect Forecast and Base Construction Report, 2013-2017
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Table of Contents
Content Summary
Chapter 1: Definition and Development Environment Analysis of China Culture Industry
1.1 Definition of Culture industry
1.1.1 Definition and Statistic Range of Culture industry
1.1.2 Important Role of Culture industry in National Economic Development
1.2 Policy Environment Analysis of Culture industry
1.2.1 Culture industry Management System
1.2.2 Major Policy and Laws/Regulations of Culture industry
1.2.3 Major Culture industry Policies Issued by Local Government
1.2.4 Analysis of Cultural System Reform
1.3 Economic Environment Analysis of Culture industry
1.3.1 Analysis of International Macro-economic Environment
1.3.2 Analysis of Domestic Macro-economic Environment
1.4 Social Environment Analysis of Culture industry
Chapter 2: Development Overview and Experiential Learning of International Culture industry
2.1 Overall Development Condition of International Culture industry
2.1.1 Development Overview of International Culture industry
2.1.2 Development Models of International Culture industry
2.1.3 Development of International Cultural Creative Industry
2.1.4 Development Trend of International Culture industry
2.2 Development Experiential Learning of American Culture Industry
2.2.1 Development Overview of American Culture industry
2.2.2 Management System of American Culture industry
2.2.3 Market Segmentation Development Status of American Culture industry
2.2.4 Successful Development Experiential Learning of American Culture industry
2.3 Development Experiential Learning of British Culture industry
2.4 Development Experiential Learning of Japanese Culture industry
2.5 Development Experiential Learning of Korean Culture industry
Chapter 3: Development Status and Competitiveness Research of China Culture Industry
3.1 Development Status and Trend of China Culture Industry
3.1.1 Development Status Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.1.2 Development Scale of China Culture Industry
3.1.3 Operational Efficiency Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.1.4 Structure Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.1.5 Import and Export Condition of China Culture Products
3.1.6 Existing Problems of China Culture Industry
3.1.7 Development Goals of China Culture Industry
3.1.8 Development Ideas of China Culture Industry
3.1.9 Development Trend Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.2 Competitiveness Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.2.1 Core Competitiveness Factors of Culture industry
3.2.2 Comparison of Competitiveness between Chinese and Foreign Culture industry
3.2.3 International Competitiveness Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.2.4 Competitiveness Evaluation and Analysis of China Culture Industry
3.3 Intellectual Property Protection Research of China Culture Industry
3.3.1 Legal System of Intellectual Property Protection on China Culture Industry
3.3.2 Intellectual Property Protection Status of China Culture Industry
3.3.3 Intellectual Property Protection Suggestions for China Culture Industry
3.3.4 Latest Trend of Intellectual Property Protection in China Culture Industry
Chapter 4: Major Market Segmentation Research of China Culture Industry
4.1 Development Analysis of China Book Industry
4.1.1 Development Overview of Book Industry
4.1.2 Development Scale of Book Industry
4.1.3 Operational Efficiency of Book Industry
4.1.4 Regional Characteristics of Book Industry
4.1.5 Progressing Analysis of Book Industry
4.1.6 Capital Operation of Book Industry
4.1.7 Development Trend of Book Industry
4.2 Development Analysis of China Television Industry
4.2.1 Development Scale Analysis of Television Industry
4.2.2 Audience Rating Characteristics Analysis of Television Market
4.2.3 Competition Trend Analysis of Television Market
4.2.4 Researches of Television Program Types and Audience Rating Characteristics
4.2.5 Analysis of IPTV Development Characteristics and Trend
4.3 Development Analysis of China Film Industry
4.3.1 Development Scale Analysis of Film Industry
4.3.2 Structure Analysis of Film Industry
4.3.3 Analysis of Film Manufacturing Characteristics
4.3.4 Development Characteristics Analysis of Film Market
4.3.5 Development Analysis of 3D Film
4.3.6 Development Trend Analysis of Film Industry, 2012
4.4 Development Analysis of Mobile Media Industry
4.4.1 Basic Resources Development Condition of Mobile Media
4.4.2 Development Condition of Mobile Media Products and Services
4.4.3 Development Analysis of Mobile Phone Media
4.4.4 Development Analysis of Outdoor Media
4.4.5 Development Hotspots Analysis of Mobile Internet
4.4.6 Development Trend Analysis of Mobile Internet, 2012
4.5 Development Analysis of China Advertising Industry
4.5.1 Market Status Overview of Advertising Industry
4.5.2 Market Scale Analysis of Advertising Industry
4.5.3 Market Competition Analysis of Advertising Industry
4.5.4 Market Segmentation Development Analysis of Advertising Industry
4.5.5 Development Trend Analysis of Advertising Industry, 2012
4.6 Development Analysis of China Animation Industry
4.6.1 Market Scale Analysis of Animation Industry
4.6.2 Supply and Demand Analysis of Animation Industry
4.6.3 Market Competition Analysis of Animation Industry
4.6.4 Development Trend Analysis of Animation Industry
4.7 Development Analysis of Chinese Cultural Relic Artwork Market
4.7.1 Development Status Analysis of Cultural Relic Artwork Market
4.7.2 Development Analysis of Cultural Relic Artwork Market Segmentations
4.7.3 Development Trend of Cultural Relic Artwork Market, 2012
Forward predicts that policy support and residents’ up-grading consumption will contribute to the strong growth of culture industry in the following years. Film industry will maintain a high speed development rate of more than 30%; leading corporations in television play industry will benefit from the increasing high-quality plays' price and an enlarging market share; animation industry will keep the growth rate of 30% and transfers from “big” market to “strong” market; growth of advertising industry is hopeful to exceed that of the GDP due to the strengthened brand awareness, while integrated marketing industry will still be on the rapid growth stage; news and publishing industry will have a further development by making the transition of digital publishing and accelerating integration; and broadcasting and TV, IPTV businesses will benefit from three-network integration.
No Comprehensive Forecast Decision, no return.
(Strategical Reference for Top Managers of China Culture Industry)
Currently, China Culture Industry develops very well: a fast growth of traditional cultural industries like film, play, book, phonotape and videotape, arts and so on; a sharply rise of new cultural industries like Internet, games, animation industry, mobile media; a stand-out of large-scale cultural corporations and enterprise group with strength, competitiveness, self-innovation ability; a timeliness rise of famous cultural brands with ethnic characteristics, proprietary intellectual property rights and originality. The healthy and progressive development of culture industry becomes an important force to promote the development of socialism culture and economy.
Culture industry maintains a good developing trend and obtains a good performance in 2011. In this year, there are 791 films produced by China and the box office reaches 13.115 billion Yuan which grows by 28.93% and gets its record high. The total trading volume in the 7th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) reaches 124.549 billion Yuan which grows 15.693 billion, with and increase of 14.42%. In the 21st National Book Trade Fair, the codes yokodai reaches 5.35 billion Yuan, the ORNM reaches 3,170 million, and the number of people at show reaches 150,000.
Meanwhile, growth of many local cultural industries is faster than that of GDP and tertiary industry. According to preliminary estimates, added value of cultural industries in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, etc. takes about 5% of national economy. The culture industry becomes the mainstay industry for local economy development.
Culture industry base (park) is an indispensable element during the development of culture industry. From the state department to the local government, they all grade different levels of culture industry demonstration base (park), animation industry base, film base and so on. Up to the end of 2011, the culture ministry authorized 204 national culture industry demonstration bases, 6 state culture industry demonstration parks and 4 state culture industry testing parks. The principle part of all these parks and bases is cultural corporation. By integrating all the factors like cultural innovation development, industry incubation, products transaction, training and so on, the bases/parks efficiently lead and promote the industry.
In recent years, Chinese government has issued many detailed policies to support the development of culture industry. In July, 2009, the State Council has past Renaissance Planning of Culture industry; in April, 2010, nine cabinet departments have issued Guidance of Culture industry Renaissance and Development which Supported by Finance; in October, 2010, State Council has issued Resolution on Expediting the Training and Development of Strategic New Industry, which involves the cultural innovation industry. According to the vice-minister of culture department, Ouyang Jian, special planning of culture industry has completed its design, and it is the first cultural special planning since the founding of New China. Supports for the culture industry mainly refer to construct a relaxed environment like flexible standards of bank loan, financing and listing. Together with less restriction, it will provide corporations with relaxed financing and listed opportunities.
In spite of this, according to the “twelfth five years” plan, culture industry turns to be the mainstay industry of national economy. Just as the document, Solutions on Deepening Cultural System Reform and Promoting Socialism Culture Boom Issued by Central Government, re-emphasizes “accelerate development of culture industry, promote it to be the mainstay industry of national economy”. Such policies have landmark significance for the culture industry development. With the practicable supporting policies, culture industry has become the mainstay industry. In the next 5 years, the added value of culture industry will double.
Particularly, culture industry which takes 2.5% at the present time will grow to more than 5% in the next 5 years. In other words, culture industry’s status will be strengthened, scale will be enlarged, and development speed will be fastened.
The culture industry will have its prime ten years due to all the following factors: culture industry valuing, industry process developing, economic restructuring, demand of spiritual culture increasing and government’s culture strength strategy optimizing.
Forward predicts that policy support and residents’ up-grading consumption will contribute to the strong growth of culture industry in the following years. Film industry will maintain a high speed development rate of more than 30%; leading corporations in television play industry will benefit from the increasing high-quality plays' price and an enlarging market share; animation industry will keep the growth rate of 30% and transfers from “big” market to “strong” market; growth of advertising industry is hopeful to exceed that of the GDP due to the strengthened brand awareness, while integrated marketing industry will still be on the rapid growth stage; news and publishing industry will have a further development by making the transition of digital publishing and accelerating integration; and broadcasting and TV, IPTV businesses will benefit from three-network integration.
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